Ironically sleep is like a mini death and sometimes the struggle to sleep is about the struggle to let go. To die well, you also need to learn to let go. So maybe sleeping is preparation for death. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying said something to that effect, more like life is preparation for death by preparing us to let go. Loved this post. My life exists on a continuum of existential questioning.

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Thank you for your insight. It's funny to think we go every night to bed and it's so normal, but it might as well be a preparation for death. Thinking about it, the act of sleeping is so strange! You've given me something to ponder on at bedtime.

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I always enjoy reading your perspective on topics, and this big one is no different. You add such humour and a light-hearted tone that is a joy to read and always thought provoking. This finite quality of our lives is something that has always resonated with me and I keep in mind as it really puts life into perspective

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Thank you so much for reading, Tania :) It makes my day to see that you appreciate my writing to be light-hearted and thought provoking.

Indeed, I also think mortality puts life into perspective. It’s so easy to overlook it. Maybe that’s why in meditation, often the purpose is to notice the void (the silence, the empty self, the possibility of nonexistence).

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What a fun read about a quite serious topic - loved it!

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Thank you Carina :)

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I am a walking existential crisis. I have been very interested in this topic. Certain things clarify everything else. They immediately make almost everything else absurd. I like that feeling cause it’s really the only genuine one to have. I wish I had known about that feeling long ago.

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Indeed, that feeling of 'what is life even about???!'. I like that feeling of absurdism, though for me it's a mixture of relief and uncomfortable confusion. The uncertainty is what I don't like about it x)

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Wake up and live…..day after day. As long as they keep coming.

Then take death for what it is and do that too…..

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It reminds me of the Groundhog Day movie.

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Bill Murray for King

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